All registered members automatically receive tithing envelopes unless otherwise request no envelopes and contributes online.
Make checks payable to St. Mary Parish. Envelopes can be dropped in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to:
St. Mary Parish,
309 W. Cook St.
Portage, WI 53901
Online giving is a great way to make a one-time donation or to set up recurring payments through a checking/savings account, a debit, or credit card! Recurring payments can be made at any time and for any frequency you wish.
There is a 1.5% debit fee and 4% for credit. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to our parish.
CLICK below to select which parish you would like to send a contribution to.
A Direct Deposit, or ACH, is an automatic withdraw from a designated checking/savings account.
Withdraws are taken on the 5th and/or 20th of every month. There are minimal bank fees and the parish takes care of the rest.
By establishing St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish and/or School in your estate planning, you are providing the assurance that your assets will reflect your faith and stewardship values. Your legacy of faith will continue to live on.
Please contact the Director of Operations for the Parish and School Kris Radtke at 608-742-6998 or email at [email protected].
To begin receiving weekly envelopes, please contact Chris Clark, [email protected] at Portage; and Sr. Anita at Briggsville Phone: 608-981-2282 or Email: [email protected]
By establishing St. Mary Help of Christians Parish in your estate plans, you're providing assurance that your assets will reflect your faith and stewardship values. Your legacy of faith will continue to live on.
Please contact Sr. Anita Henning (608-981-2282) or Fr. Randy Timmerman (608-742-6998) for more assistance, if needed.
There is no better investment in the world than the local parish. It is where people meet Jesus and lives are changed!
Acts 20:35 tells us: “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give then to receive.’” Our parish cannot be the hands of Jesus without financial support from every parish family.
Just as Jesus served the poor, we as disciples of Christ are to follow His example.“Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you.” (Dt. 16:17) Count your blessings, see the goodness of the Lord, and then return to God by supporting the mission of the church.