To have a Mass offered, you must request it from the Parish Office during regular business hours. To learn more about what it means to "offer a Mass" and what is involved, read our Mass Stipends information document.
If you would like to offer a Mass in Portage, please contact Chris Clark at the Parish Office, at email [email protected] If you would like to offer a Mass in Briggsville, please contact Sr. Anita Henning at 608-981-2282 or email [email protected]
What is a Mass stipend?
The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. In our parishes, anyone may request a Mass intention by calling or writing the parish office. Every attempt to honor specific dates will be made. We encourage you to continue this most sacred tradition, especially remembering our faithful departed brothers and sisters.
What does it mean to “offer the Mass” for a particular Intention?
It is important to remember that the primary intention of every Mass is for the redemption of ALL of God’s people. The “intention” of the Mass listed in the bulletin is merely a way to remind family and friends that one of the intentions of the priest that is presiding will be that person or cause. It is NOT the “intentions of the Mass”, nor of everyone at the Mass; it is the intention of the priest as he offers that Mass. That is why it is not announced as such. In fact, everyone is allowed and encouraged to offer their Mass they are attending for a particular person or cause; this is a way for all parishioners to more fully participate in the Mass and the sacrifice of Christ.
Are Mass intentions only for the deceased?
No. While it is customary for the intentions to be on behalf of someone who is decreased it is also customary to offer a Mass for a living person who is facing a challenge, for a wedding anniversary of other life celebration, or simply “In Thanksgiving” for some blessing received.
What is the anticipated stipend for offer for a Mass?
When a Mass intention is made, it is usually accompanied by offering a stipend. At all parishes in the Diocese of Madison, that suggested stipend is $20.
Is more than one intention at any Mass allowed at Mass?
At request, a Mass can be offered for more than one person; for example, a family may offer Mass for their deceased parents. Diocesan policy also permits multiple intentions be allowed at two Masses every week to accommodate immediate needs and intentions as long as all parties agree that the intention of the Mass may be shared.
How will that work at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception and St. Mary Help of Christian parishes?
The weekend Masses Portage and Briggsville will be dedicated for multiple intentions if the need arises. It should be noted that if multiple Masses are said in one day, or multiple stipends are paid, a priest may keep only one stipend per day. (The other stipends are sent to the Diocesan Priest Retirement Fund.)
Can priests other than the pastor offer the requested Mass?
If a stipend is made, the priest is obligated to make sure that a Mass is celebrated for the intention, whether he or any other priest offers the Mass. If the person requesting the Mass intention agrees, Masses can be sent to other priests. For example, chaplains at hospitals or in specialized ministry (non-pastors) often do not receive requests and therefore are free to accept the Mass intentions and stipends from a parish. This practice allows multiple Mass requests to be accommodated in a shorter period of time.
What is a pro populo Mass?
Every pastor of a parish is also obligated to offer one Mass every weekend and every Holy Day of Obligation for his parishioners, often referred to as the “pro popular” Mass. If he is not able to offer the Mass on a weekend, he is obligated to do so as soon as possible. This is noted in the bulletin as “People of the Parish”.
What if there are requests for multiple Masses for the same person or by the same person?
To provide a more equitable opportunity for families and friends to schedule Masses for their loved ones at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Portage, Mass intentions may be scheduled no more than 6 months in advance. Only three Mass intentions for weekend Masses or five total Masses (including weekend Masses) may be requested within any six-month time period. If there is an open and unclaimed date, other Mass intentions may be scheduled at the discretion of the Pastor.