Baptism of adults requires the completion of the RCIA program. Please notify Fr. Savio if you would like to become Catholic.
Normally First Eucharist is celebrated in Second Grade after completion of the sacramental preparation program. See the Religious Ed page for more information. Children older than second grade will be welcomed to First Eucharist after completing a preparation program modified for their age and needs.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is encouraged for all elderly and anyone who is experiencing a life-challenging struggle and is in need of physical or emotional healing. Individuals may request the sacrament at anytime by calling the rectory at 608-297-7423.
Confirmation will next be held in the fall of 2020. Participation in classes is required as Confirmation is a sacrament of community. More info can be found on the Confirmation page.
The sacrament of Confirmation for adults is celebrated as a part of the RCIA program.
All couples who are planning to get married are encouraged to contact the parish at least six months prior to your wedding. While a tentative date for your wedding may be set at any time, the confirmation of that date is dependent upon the completion of the Marriage Preparation Program. This program offers the opportunity to meet with the pastor, and the option of two day-long retreats sponsored by the Diocese of Madison. Please call the parish office to initiate this program or check available dates.
Please contact Fr. Savio if you are contemplating the call to religious life.